Lord Odira Stormstar, Lokus Fighter

Stat Value Bonuses
Str: 17 +2 to hit, +3 damage
Int: 11
Wis: 18
Con: 14 +1 HP, fight for 20 rounds
Dex: 10
Cha: 13
Mag: 13 Spell Points: 0
Level: 6 XP: 62,750 Next: 70,000 Needs: 7,250 Created: 29/12/2009
Hit Dice: d12 Hits: 48 Locations: Hd:7 Ch:38 Ab:29 Lm:12 Languages: Common, elven
Armour: Malakarian rootviled chain & Shield AC: 4 Parental: Royal cousin 4th Age: 65

Skills: History 52%, Sense Sorcery 63%, Ride , Etiquette , Dodge 50% STI: 30% -

Weapon Longsword Weapon Longbow Weapon Shuriken
Attacks 3/2 at +2 Attacks 3 at +0 Attacks 3/2 at +0
Damage 1d10+15 Damage 3d6+15 Damage 2d6+9
Critical 19-20x2 Critical 20x3 Critical 20x2
Parries 4 at 51% Parries Parries
Extras Disarm 25% Requiem - Excellent +1 parry/3lv +1 dmg/lvl XL Extras Bernie the Bolt - Demon summons arrows - Con damage Extras LD 20% (6x rootviled)
Weapon Greatsword Weapon Unarmed Weapon Shield
Attacks 2 at +2 Attacks 2 at +2 Attacks 2 at +2
Damage 3d6+15 Damage 1d6+9 Damage 1d6+9
Critical 19-20x2 Critical 20x2 Critical 20x2
Parries 2 at 51% Parries Parries 2 at 60%
Extras SMB 1/rd Disarm 20% Extras Disarm 25% Extras
Spells: Spells: L1: 1+1

Description: Red hair and voidblack eyes, noble if unhandsome countenance.
Facets: Stealth, Death, Disguise, Reversal, Control, Poison, Deceit, Void, Protection. Creates a Black Hand & a bridge to the Abyss
Peldrar - Malangorian flower- eating nutter from Red Monks

Equipment: Mail, shield, weapons, boots, backpack, horse, saddle, tack, tent, small banner with coat-of-arms, standard pole for banner, belt pouches, rain-cape, cook kit, tea set, snuffbox and snuff. Everything marked with the Stormstar arms. Elenorian Death Lily in buttonhole

Items: Requiem, rootvile blood, demon bow that summons arrows

Created 24/03/2010 by GreyChar v2.6